• +91-9426397446
  • Trust Reg.No: E/7557/Vadodara


Volunteering or Volunteerism may be defined as contributing one's time, skills or talents for charitable, educational, social or other worthwhile purposes, usually in one's community or the society, freely and without regard for compensation.


You can apply to volunteer for a few hours, few days, a few weeks, a few months or even longer. ATCT Programs presents different opportunities for volunteers according to your available time, interests, skills and expertise.

You may be thinking what type of work you can do while thinking about volunteering. In assigning work to volunteers, ATCT takes into account your interest, expertise, time and your social and cultural and language background to have maximum utilization of your potential for service to humanity. Here are a few examples of ways that volunteers can contribute to ATCT

Off-Site Work

ATCT Works

Have you wondered how much impact your support to ATCT can have? Are you curious about the people whose lives are changed by ATCT and associated partners?

ATCT Site Visit reveals to you change in the lives of people helped every day by programs sponsored and supported by people like you.

We strongly believe that change is possible and ATCT site visit offers opportunity to see the change our work is bringing with the help from people like you.

We strongly believe that change is possible and ATCT site visit offers opportunity to see the change our work is bringing with the help from people like you.

Take Us Along :

Volunteer to Research and Study:

If you want to conduct a research study or project :


What you can do is :

Speak up about ATCT

In our journey so far, we have received immense support from numerous individuals across all ages, segments and countries of the world.

We appreciate the valuable contribution of all our supporters. However, to further expand our reach, we seek more such participation in our welfare initiatives for the less privileged section of the country.