Volunteering or Volunteerism may be defined as contributing one's time, skills or talents for charitable, educational, social or other worthwhile purposes, usually in one's community or the society, freely and without regard for compensation.
You can apply to volunteer for a few hours, few days, a few weeks, a few months or even longer. ATCT Programs presents different opportunities for volunteers according to your available time, interests, skills and expertise.
You may be thinking what type of work you can do while thinking about volunteering. In assigning work to volunteers, ATCT takes into account your interest, expertise, time and your social and cultural and language background to have maximum utilization of your potential for service to humanity. Here are a few examples of ways that volunteers can contribute to ATCT
- ATCT has weekly Healthcare awareness and Educational programs apart from periodic major events like General or specialized Medical Camps, Immunization drives and Educational Workshops in our target areas. To effectively implement our programs at the grass root level, we are always in a constant need of your assistance. You can be of great help to us and the community at large while rendering your services. Helping people who need us gives immense pleasure and satisfaction when you see the smile and happiness of the people you helped. Please refer to our program details and calendar of upcoming events and contact us without any hesitation if you are interested to help poor and needy.
- Our Medical Professional friends can help us in organizing and executing effectively General as well as Specialised Medical camps. You can also help us in serving the community by providing free or discounted services at your specialized centers for the people referred from the target area of the ATCT's activities for various Healthcare programs.
- You can help us in conducting training workshops on issues like healthcare, education, nutrition, hygiene, sanitation, employment and empowerment to improve overall quality of life of the people residing in the remote tribal areas and slums. We expect them to be self-sufficient rather than be dependent on the help from us. We request you to go through our program index and suggest relevant activities for the particular target group and contact us. We will highly appreciate your gesture to help.
- We together can create excellent ambience of our centers at locations in slums and remote tribal areas with team efforts and set an example for the community to work towards clean living surroundings.
Off-Site Work
- We know that some time even if you wish to work but when you are far away and you may not be in a position to volunteer our on-site activities. Still you can help us in our off-site activities.
- You can share your knowledge to us on the relevant programs of ATCT and guide us on effective needs assessment, planning, implementation and monitoring of our programs.
- You can share your expertise on the issues of Healthcare and Education in community for us to have larger impact of our programs.
- You can help us in analysis of the evidence of the activities of ATCT and your feedback and suggestions are always valued by us.
- You can help us in preparing documents, publications and translations of the material to have impact in the community.
- At ATCT we strongly believe that the desired changes in the lives of this underprivileged section of society around us will come, only when more and more privileged people proactively come forward and participate in finding solutions to these issues of healthcare and Education.
ATCT Works
Have you wondered how much impact your support to ATCT can have? Are you curious about the people whose lives are changed by ATCT and associated partners?
ATCT Site Visit reveals to you change in the lives of people helped every day by programs sponsored and supported by people like you.
We strongly believe that change is possible and ATCT site visit offers opportunity to see the change our work is bringing with the help from people like you.
We strongly believe that change is possible and ATCT site visit offers opportunity to see the change our work is bringing with the help from people like you.
Take Us Along :
- You can also take us along to the places you visit and tell the people you meet about ATCT
- Giving a presentation on ATCT whenever you address a gathering.
- You can print our leaflet on our activities on education and Healthcare and distribute it in your apartment, office, neighbor etc. You can also distribute it to people when you meet them.
- Give us a platform by introducing ATCT to your Institute/ company etc.
Volunteer to Research and Study:
If you want to conduct a research study or project :
- Please send the details of your request and a brief of your proposed research, including details of your institution or organisation, along with your volunteer application form.
- ATCT is doing extensive Educational and Healthcare work in Tribal remote areas and Slums of Gujarat. Both tasks and area offers good opportunity for doing research and study on the underprivileged section of Gujarat.
- In order to help us consistently improve and achieve our goals, we invite you to research and study the ATCT activities to highlight ways for advancement. However, any research or study done must be published.
- For more details, please e-mail us at: info@ATCT.com
- You could also phone us at: 91-265-6505230
- Sometimes, even though we want to help in some Social and Charitable cause but our busy schedules in life hold us back. Many people believe that such activities require a lot of time and how they can spare such time from today's fast running life.
- But actually this is not 100% true!!
- You can make the greatest differences in the simplest of ways. All you need to do is raise awareness for our causes on "Healthcare and Education for all underprivileged". You can work as Cyber-Volunteer and advocate and spread the word about ATCT. Tell your friends what we do and urge them to participate in any way they can.
What you can do is :
- Use the Internet to spread the word about ATCT and its activities.
- Visit ATCT's YouTube channel and share our videos.
- Are you a member of Facebook? Check out our official presence on Facebook, join the ATCT's facebook page and add it in your like's pages (you must be logged in to view the page), or create a Facebook cause to benefit ATCT and its activities. Promote ATCT in your social networking profile and ask your friends to follow us
- Link to us from your website or blog.
- Follow us on Twitter to read about our work in 140 characters or less.
- View photos of ATCT's work on Flickr and join our network.
- Introduce ATCT to all your online communities/ fan clubs etc.
Speak up about ATCT
- Tell others about ATCT and the importance of bringing Education and health within reach for everyone.
- Ask ATCT to participate in a lunchtime presentation at your workplace, and invite your coworkers. Just fill out our speaker request form and email it to info@ATCT.com.
- Request that a ATCT staff member speak at your club or place of worship. Just fill out our speaker request form and email it to info@ATCT.com.
- Host a house party to benefit or raise awareness about our work
- Share ATCT news with friends, family, and colleagues.
- Bring your friends and family to one of ATCT's events.
- Organize a ATCT speaker for your presentation or house party. Just fill out our speaker request form and email it to info@ATCT.com.
- Advocate for Education and healthcare for underprivileged section.
- Raise awareness and make a difference in people's lives.
- Contact your policymakers to encourage funding and support for important global Educational and health causes.
- Attend and participate in local events about international affairs and global development.
- Support ATCT's work
- Email us at info@ATCT.com and tell us why you choose to support ATCT so we can share your story—and inspire others to join us in finding better Educational and healthcare solutions for underprivileged.
- Applying is easy
- If you're interested in volunteering for ATCT, just click here to download a copy of our Volunteer application form and then send the completed version to our headquarters in Vadodara. If you are able to add a photo electronically, then you can email the form to info@ATCT.com
- Join us: If you would like to join the ATCT activities and want to work with us, please send your resume and your preferred area and state of interest to info@.ATCT.com and we will revert to you.
- Stay in contact with ATCT :
- Keep in touch with what ATCT is doing.
- Sign up to receive news from ATCT and learn about our new projects and major milestones—as well as new opportunities to get involved.
- Attend a Community Coffee at ATCT's Vadodara headquarters to learn more about our work in Education and Healthcare.
- Set up Google Alerts or news feeds to deliver the latest news to your email inbox or feed reader.
In our journey so far, we have received immense support from numerous individuals across all ages, segments and countries of the world.
We appreciate the valuable contribution of all our supporters. However, to further expand our reach, we seek more such participation in our welfare initiatives for the less privileged section of the country.